About Us
The Davy Crockett Longhunters is a private black powder muzzle loading shooting club. Don’t shoot? Read on, there is room for you too! We are also living historians who research the culture and perpetuate the skills and crafts of the American frontier time period of 1735-1840. We are dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the lifestyle, ideals, patriotism, and freedoms of the American pioneer. We promote the safe use of black powder weapons as well as other primitive weapons such as tomahawks and bows. We work to teach about the past and how our ancestors lived.
We have monthly shoots in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. where running scores are kept throughout the year and the “winners” honored at our yearly banquet. Non-shooting club members attend as well and watch their fellows, join the monthly meetings, practice their crafts if they wish, and just enjoy the camaraderie of the group. This year we have decided to add smoothbore muzzle loader shooting to our regular rifled competitions. We hope to add primitive archery as well if there is enough club interest.
Our main event open to the public is called "David Crockett Days" and is held in conjunction with David Crockett State Park every year in August. Here our club members and visiting shooters compete in a novelty shoot, tomahawk throwing, and fire starting with flint and steel. We also have games for the kids and craft demonstrators. We camp in primitive tents and dress in clothing of the era and talk with the public about the time period.
Our main event open to the public is called "David Crockett Days" and is held in conjunction with David Crockett State Park every year on in August. Here our club members and visiting shooters compete in a woods walk shoot, novelty shoot,

tomahawk throwing, and fire starting with flint and steel. We also have games for the kids and craft demonstrators. We camp in primitive tents and dress in clothing of the era and talk with the public about the time period.
We have a great time at our Spring and Winter Rendezvous. At these we dress and camp primitive for the weekend, have competitions similar to our David Crockett Days, and “pot luck” dinners cooked over open fires. Our Winter event in February is called "Frozen Foot" - for good reason. Why do we want to camp primitive in the middle of the Winter? First, it gives us an appreciation of what our forefathers experienced. Second, it is a good excuse to huddle around a campfire and enjoy hot drinks and good company - telling stories and toasting marsh mellows and experiencing what we call "making memories" with no interference from the mad rush of modern life. Want to escape for a short time from the T.V. and telephones? Try leaving the century for the weekend!
There are other clubs who often attend our events and we in turn support theirs. So if you want to do more, there are other local, regional, and national camps you can check out.